
Journal of Kerbala for Agricultural Sciences (JKAS)  is a quarterly Scientific Journal issues by the College of Agriculture  at the University of Kerbala.  The first volume was published in 2013. The international numbers of KJAS are P-ISSN 2309-5199, E-ISSN 2616-6933 and NO.D.L.A.B/ 1983 To 2014. It publishes original research and review articles on all aspects dealing with Plant Breeding, Agricultural Economics, Hort. Sciences,  Veterinary,  Field Crops, Animal Husbandry,  Soil Sciences, Poultry Sciences, Water Resources, Plant Entomology, Food Technology, Plant Pathology, and Biology. Manuscripts are accepted for publication on the understanding that they have not been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. The Editor will assume that all named authors agree with the contents and form of the paper. The copyright of papers accepted for publication belongs to the JKAS. For more information, you can access the Journal ‘s website: