Submission Guidelines

1- Authors are invited to electronically submit full-length manuscripts of their papers through Microsoft CMT using the following link:

– New CMT authors can register

– Returning CMT authors can log in

– Information about new user registration and paper submission via Microsoft CMT can be found here. .

2- Authors must ensure that the submitted manuscript is their original work that has not been previously published/ copyrighted and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submission of a manuscript to ICAS implies that all authors have agreed to its submission.

3- Authors must adhere to the ICAS paper format which conforms to the journals publication requirements. Papers must be written in English in MS Word, double column format. Paper format can be found .

4-  All submitted papers will undergo a blind-review process by two independent reviewers where the identities of both the authors and reviewers will be kept hidden from each other.

5- Accepted papers will be published in one of the following two journals:

  • Revista Bionatura, currently indexed in SCOPUS, ISSN 1390-9355.
  • Kerbala Journal for Agricultural Sciences (KJAS), NOT indexed in SCOPUS, ISBN 2309-5199.