Evaluation of the efficacy of different Neocontinoid insecticides against cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera : Aleyrodidae) on eggplant under greenhouse condition Mushtak Talib Mohammadali1, Aqeel Adnan Alyousuf2, Hussein Ali Baqir1 and Ali A. Kadhim3


This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of some neonicotinoid insecticides including, Actara 25 WDG (foliar and soil treatment), Confidor 200 SL, Calypso 480 SC, Polo, Confidor 5 G against cotton whitefly Bemisia tabaci on Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) during the growing season of 2018. The results revealed that the highest population of the adults was concentrated on the upper leaves at the new growth of the plant, while the majority of nymphs were found on the middle leaves of the plant, and the females preferred to lay the eggs on the upper leaves because the highest proportion of eggs was found on the upper leaves. The foliar application of Actara and confidor were significantly effective against the whiteflies after one day of treatment. While the soil treatments of the Actara and Confidor showed the least efficiency at one day after the treatment; all treatments except Polo were significantly superior over control in decreasing the population of the nymphs at the day 14 after the treatment. Polo did not show any efficiency in the reduction of the number of live nymphs. The data on efficacy of the tested neonicotinoid insecticides against the B. tabaci on the eggplant under the greenhouse showed different efficiency according to the treatment method. At one day after the application, foliar spraying of Actara and Calypso were the most efficient; and the efficacy of all tested insecticides increased up to the day 14 after application, and foliar treatment of Actara gave the highest efficacy after 14 days.
