Dean’s Message

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad, and upon his good and pure family
The family of the College of Agriculture at the University of Karbala, ladies and gentlemen, members of the teaching, administrative and service staff, and my dear students, male and female. I am honored and very pleased to welcome you to this scientific edifice, in which we always hope that giving and diligent and serious work will continue from the first days of the establishment of the college in 2005 until… Today, we are keen to implement everything that is modern and distinguished in the agricultural field with all its various specializations, to advance the wheel of scientific and research progress together in our dear college towards further development and progress in the sector of higher education and scientific research.
Dear dears, the College of Agriculture at the University of Karbala has an important and necessary role and a prominent position as a shining beacon in higher education and agricultural scientific research, based on spreading the culture of research, innovation and scientific creativity, through its successive generations of our graduates, researchers and faculty members who are always keen to keep pace with the latest scientific developments. And modern technologies, to subject existing or expected problems facing our societies to scientific research studies on sound and studied foundations in all areas of agricultural life and its various aspects.
The goal that we all seek in constructive and fruitful cooperation with the presidency of the University of Karbala and its esteemed council is to provide an appropriate scientific climate for students, by relying on advanced university foundations and curricula that are compatible with the requirements of the modern era, with the support of a qualified academic staff capable of delivering knowledge in a sound and integrated manner to students. Since the first days of its establishment, and according to the capabilities available to it, the College of Agriculture has adopted non-traditional types of educational methods to graduate qualified and distinguished cadres capable of competing locally and regionally in the agricultural fields in accordance with the latest skills required by the labor market and capable of adapting to the variables of the surrounding external environment, asking. May God Almighty grant us success and guide our steps for what is good and beneficial for our dear college.

                                                                   Prof. Dr
                                                                 Sabah Ghazi Sharif Agha
                                                        Dean of the College of Agriculture/Deputy