The Animal Production Department at the University of Kerbala Organizes Three Diverse Professional Development Seminars

As part of its ongoing efforts to enhance professional and academic competencies, the Animal Production Department at the College of Agriculture, University of Karbala, organized three specialized professional development seminars targeting various groups within the department. These seminars included the following: Free Radicals and Antioxidants:This seminar targeted laboratory staff in Read more

“Dean of the College of Agriculture Inspects the College Library and Stresses the Development of Services and Scientific Resources”

The Dean of the College of Agriculture, Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Abdul-Hussein Kareem, visited the college library accompanied by the Scientific Assistant, Assistant Professor Dr. Kadam Mohammed Abdullah. The visit aimed to oversee the workflow in the library and to review the availability of modern scientific resources that serve students Read more

The Plant Protection Department at the University of Kerbala Discusses Plans for Enhancing Education and Scientific Research in the Presence of the Dean of the College of Agriculture

The Council of the Plant Protection Department in the College of Agriculture at the University of Kerbala held a meeting on Tuesday, December 23, 2024. The meeting was attended by the Dean of the College, the Scientific Assistant, the Head of the Department, and several faculty members of the department. Read more