The assistant Professor Dr Adnan A. Lahuf assessed a scientific research from the Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology

The assistant professor Dr Adnan A. Lahuf, who is a member of Plant Protection Department, Agriculture College, University of Kerbala, reviewed the scientific research titled ‘’DNA BARCODE: A POTENTIAL TOOL FOR IDENTIFYING MANGO CULTIVARS’’. This research was sent to him from the (Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology) included in Read more

Some members of the Plant Protection Department / College of Agriculture / University of Karbala published scientific research in the Journal of Ecology

Some members of the Plant Protection Department / College of Agriculture / University of Karbala published scientific research in the Journal of Ecology, Environment and Conservation, which is considered one of the well-known scientific journals classified in Scopus and Clarivate database. The research included first molecular identification in Karbala Province/Iraq Read more

Researchers in the Department of Plant Protection/ College of Agriculture/ University of Kerbala have published a scientific paper in the Pakistan Journal of Botany

Researchers in the Department of Plant Protection/ College of Agriculture/ University of Kerbala have published a scientific paper in the Pakistan Journal of Botany, which is one of the scientific journals classified within the third quarter (Q3) and has an impact factor of 0.825. This research was about the molecular Read more

assistant Professor Dr. Aqeel N. AL-Abedy,valuated amanuscript entitled ʺGenetic variability and virulence

The assistant Professor Dr. Aqeel N. AL-Abedy, who is a lecturer in the Plant Protection Department, Agriculture College at the University of Kerbala, was evaluated a manuscript entitled ʺGenetic variability and virulence of Iranian Rhizoctonia solani isolates associated with stem canker and black scurf of potatoʺ for the Journal of Read more

The importance of tissue culture in producing medicinal plants

Assist prof. Dr.sarab abdalhadi almukhtar (Let your food be your medicine … and treat every patient with the plants of his land, as it is brought to his recovery) نجد أن مراكز البحث العلمي في الدول المتقدمة ومنظم١ة الصحة العالمية تكشف لنا عن الآثار الجانبية الخطيرة للأدوية الكيميائية حتى يتم Read more

First registration of badh2 in Iraqi Aromatic Rice Varieties in Joint Database DDBJ/ENA/GenBank

First registration of badh2 in Iraqi Aromatic Rice Varieties in Joint Database DDBJ/ENA/GenBank. Dr. Ali Nazim Farhoud, lecturer in Field Crops Department, recorded genetic sequences in the joint database of DDBJ/ENA/GenBank under the Accession numbers LC553779 and LC553780 for The Badh2 Gene, which is responsible for aromatic rice in aromatic Read more

A Lecturer from the College of Agriculture / University of Kerbala published a scientific research paper in cooperation with a research team from an Australian university

The lecturer, Dr. Kadum Mohammed Abdullah, published a scientific research paper in cooperation with a research team from the Australian university (Griffith University) on the nutrients cycling, especially the nitrogen and carbon elements under the impact of the controlled fire system that is followed in many countries where wild fires Read more