Name: Mushtak Talib Mohammadali
Date of Birth: 4ͭ ͪ of April 1974
Place of Birth: Baghdad
Nationality: Iraqi
Religion: Muslim
Gender : Male
Material state : Married with 4 children
Language: Arabic ( Mother language )
English ( Very good )
Russian ( Very good )
E-mail: technical.almuzare@gmail.com
Computer : very good
Present Address: Baghdad . Alshabab : 839-25-10
Contact : Iraq: +964 770 325 8005 , +964 7822204500
1- Degrees:
– BSC. OF Agriculture Science / Plant Protection Department / 1998 College of Agriculture – Baghdad University . Iraq .
– MSC. OF Agr. Science / Entomology ( Acarology ) / Plant Protection Department 2001 College of Agriculture – Baghdad University . Iraq .
– PhD OF Agr. Science/ Biological control – pesticides / Voronezh agricultural State University / 2016 Voronezh-Russia
Acarology , Biological control & Pesticides Residue (Environmental pollution)
- Assist lecturer at Plant Protection Department, College Of Agriculture , Basra University 2007 – 2017 .
- Lecturer at Plant Protection Department, College Of Agriculture, Karbala University 2017 till now .
- I have practical experiences (25) years at Technical Agricultural Bureau.
- I worked at AMC (Agricultural & Material Company) Crop Advisor, Jordan’s Company at Baghdad province for one year (2003).
- I worked at Syngenta Agro services, Swiss company, Supervisor for two years (2003-2005) at Baghdad provinces.
- Working as Marketing & assistant researcher on the area of pesticides development employment with the Bayer Crop Sciences agent in the middle east ( Shadko ) , Germans’ company for three years (2005-2008) at Baghdad & Basra provinces.
- have 15 years practical experiences at Greenhouse Management.
- Member of Iraqi Agricultural Engineers Syndicate / Baghdad (A chive of plant protection department). 2005-2008 .
1- Mohammadali , M.T.; Abd , A . A. ; Ali , A. D. 2008 .The Effect of IGR Insecticides Treatments in Okra Fields on the Levels of spiny bollworm Earias insulana ( Boisd.) ( Noctuidae: Lepidoptera ) .
2- Mohammadali , M.T. ; Al-Fartoosy , A. H. ; Ali , D. H. 2007. Application methods and dosages of eight insecticides in black cutworm Agrotis ipsilon (Hufn.) ( Noctuidae : Lepidoptera ) control on tomato plants .
3- Mohammadali , M.T .2009 . Filed evaluation of six acaricides and the distribution pattern of Aculops lycopersici ( Massee ) on tomato leaf .
4– Al-Farttoosy , A. H. ; Abd Al-qader , A. Z. ; Mohammadali , M. T. .2013. Studying of Compatibility Entomopathogenic Fungus Beauveria bassiana with Various Insecticides .
5- Abd , A . A. ; Ali, A. D. ; Mohammadali , M.T. 2008 . Effect of chemical control on population density of Red Pumpkin Beetle and Two Spotted Spider Mite on Snake Cucumber.
6- Kalaf , J. M. ; Omran , I. M. ; Mohammadali , M.T ; Ali , D. H. 2008 . The effect Thiam- ethoxam, a second generation neonicotinoid insecticide in three spices of Aphids ( Aphididea : Homoptera ).
7- Al-Masudey, A. D ; Abd , A . A ; Mohammadali , M.T .2012. Chemical control of Green Peach Aphids Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Cabbage Looper Trichoplusia ni (Hubn.) Lettuce Lactuca sativa L. .
8- Мохаммадали , M. T. ; Добрынин Н.Д. 2013 .Действие акарицидов на двухточечного паутинногоклеща Tetranychus urticae – вредителя огурца в защищенном грунте .
9- Мохаммадали , M. T. ; Добрынин Н. Д. 2013.Токсичность акарицидов для двупятнистогопаутинного клеща Tetranychus urticae Koch (Tetranychidae:Acari) и егоестественного врага Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot (Phytoseiidae:Acari) на огурце в условиях защищѐнного грунта .
10- Mohammadali M. T ; Dobrynin N.D. 2015 . A study of acaricide efficiency for protection of cucumber from two spotted spider mite in a greenhouse .
11− Mohammadali M. T. 2015 . The feeding behavior and functional response of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis on different developmental stages of two spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae .
12- Zeinab A. M. ; Rajaa G.A ; Mushtak T.M. 2019. Molecular diagnosis of the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum : Acausal agent of white rot disease in Solanum melongena L. and its control using zinc oxide nanoparticles .
13- Mushtak T. M. ; Aqueel A. A. ; Hussein A. B. 2019 . Evaluation of the efficacy of different Neocontinoid insecticides against cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci ( Hemiptera : Aleyrodidae) on eggplant under greenhouse condition .
14- Adnan A. L. ; Mushtak T. M . 2019. Assessment of the nanosized particles of ZnO and MgO and some cultivars in control of Alternaria solani causing tomato early blight .
15- Estabraq M. A. ; Mushtak T. M ; Saleh A. A. 2019 . Study the effectiveness of some plant extracts on Root-knot nematods Meloidogyne spp.
16- Adnan A. L. ; ALI A. K. ; Mushtak T. M . 2019.First Report of Alternaria alternate causing Leaf Spot on Quince ( Cydonia oblonga ) in Iraq .
1- Selling skills workshop .2005. Amman – Jordan.
2- Environmental toxic and its impact on environment and public health. 2008. Marine Sciences Center, Basra University.
3- Biotechnology Workshop: PCR Technology, Cloning, Mapping & DNA Sequencing. 2009. Department of Microbiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Basra University.