University of Kerbala Organizes a Series of Practical Lectures on Jujube Production

Under the guidance of the Dean of the College of Agriculture, Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Abdul-Hussein Karim, and with the direct supervision of the Head of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, Dr. Harith Mahmoud Aziz, the College of Agriculture at the University of Kerbala organized a practical lecture on jujube production as part of the “Jujube Production” course. The lecture aimed to provide students with the scientific and practical knowledge necessary for the professional cultivation and management of jujube orchards.

Held in the plant shade house, the lecture covered various stages of jujube production, from seedling selection to harvesting and storage, with a focus on the importance of modern agricultural techniques to ensure successful cultivation. The instructors emphasized that applying these techniques by both farmers and students contributes to achieving high-yield, high-quality production.

Dean Dr. Ali Abdul-Hussein Karim highlighted the significance of such events in enhancing students’ skills and preparing them to tackle agricultural challenges in the job market.