Effect of plants extract in vegetative and flowering growth, aromatic and volatile oil extracted from Narcissus Narcissus daffodil L plant A H Altaee1


This study was carried out in the laths house of the Department of Horticulture and landscape design / College of agriculture and forestry / University of Mosul from 1/10/2018 to 1/6/2019. In order to study the effect of four types of plant extracts Licorice, orange peel, pomegranate peel, banana peel powder at (5 g, 10 g) per plant In the vegetative and flowering growth and the essential oil extract of Narcissus daffodil L. All extracts were added monthly to the soil compared with comparison treatment (without extract). It was observed that high levels of banana peel powder at 10 g. plant−1 was significantly higher rate in all vegetative and floral characteristics of the plant, plant height, leaf number, leaf length, percentage of chlorophyll and the number & length of flowers were reached 40.17 cm, 9.50 leaves plant−1, 24.90 cm, 70.53 spad, 4.18 cm, 36.37 cm respectively. In aromatic of oil characteristics, the same treatment (10 g. plant−1 of banana peel powder) gave the best results in the percentage of oil, quantity and qualitative weight of oil was 3.880%, 37.12 g. kg-1 and 0.836 respectively, while the oil Intensity was 0.827.
