The Department of Field Crops at the College of Agriculture at the University of Karbala organizes a panel discussion on nitrogen and its relationship to the production of chemical compounds within plants

The College of Agriculture at the University of Karbala organized a scientific seminar on (Nitrogen and its relationship to the production of chemical compounds within plants) for doctoral graduate student Hind Adnan Hussein.
Under the supervision of Professor Dr. Abbas Ali Hussein and in the presence of the Head of the Field Crops Department, along with a good group of faculty members in some scientific departments and in the presence of graduate students, the scientific seminar included a group of topics, the most important of which are
Nitrogen and its role in plants. Nitrogen is an essential element in life and its most important functions in plants and some studies that dealt with the effect of nitrogen on yield and its components.
. The Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Sabah Ghazi Sharif Al-Agha, said that the university and the college always strive to improve their scientific outputs.