Dr Mohammed Ahmed Ibraihi

the dean


Name : Dr Mohammed Ahmed Ibraihi
Place and Date of Birth : Baghdad 1970
Nationality : Arabic
Marital Status : Married
Academic Rank : Assistant Professor 27/12/2008.
Mobil : 
E-Mail : mohibr2015@yahoo.com

Qualifications :
1- B. Sc. In Agricultural sciences. Field crop department . College of Agriculture University of Baghdad . 1993 .
2- M. Sc. In Field crop sciences (Medical Plants) Field crop department . College of Agriculture University of Baghdad . 1999 .
3- PH.D in Agronomy (Plant Breeding and Improvement) Field crop department . College of Agriculture University of Baghdad . 2005 .
4- Lecturer in College of Sciences University of Kerbala from 2002 to 2005 .
5- Lecturer in College of Agriculture University of Kerbala from 2005 Until now .
6- Head and member of many scientism and management committees college of Agriculture University of Karbala.
7- Head of Horticulture Department Since 13/2/2007 until 4/9/2011 .
8- Head of Field crops department Since 13/2/2007 until now.
9- The dean of college of agriculture since 9/1/2014 until now.
10- I carried out a number of evolutionary courses of various agricultural institutions, as well as conducted two seminars in Faculty of Agriculture, the first title (the scientific basis for the development of the strategic wheat crop) and the second entitled (modern technologies in the production of field crops) .

11-Participated in Scientific conference fourth of the league of Kerbala threw presentation research and reporter .
12-Participated in College on Soil Physics: Soil Physical Properties and Processes under Climate Change.Italy.2010.
13-Participated in seventh scientific agriculture conference faculty of agriculture .Jordan.2012.
14-I’m publishing 14 researches .
15-supervision many student of higher studies
16-Courses Taught :
1- Under graduated studies .
a- Plant Breeding and Improvement .
b- Genetics .
c- Design and Analysis of Experiments .
d- Statistics .

2- Post graduate studies
a-Plant Breeding and Improvement .
b-Plant Genetics.
c-Plant Breeding for stress.
d-Quantitative Genetics
e- Design and Analysis of Experiments .

Publication :-

1- Response of Mung bean ( Vigna mungo L. ) to phosphorus fertilization and seeding rates . M.A.Ibraihi Al-Anbari . Journal of the University of Kerbala .
2- Diallel crossing among bread wheat cultivars for grain yield and yield components . M.A.Ibraihi Al-Anbari et al . The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science .
3- Phenotypic and genotypic variation and correlation in bread wheat . M.A.Ibraihi Al-Anbari et al. Journal of AL-anbar University.
4-Response of Faba bea to sowing dates and Foliar Fertilizer with boron . M.A.Ibraihi Al-Anbari et al .Journal of the University of Kerbala .
5- Effect of nitrogen levels on some agronomic characteristics and yield of two genotypes of (Vigna sinensis ) . M.A.Ibraihi Al-Anbari. Journal of Babylon .
6- Response of (Vicia faba L.) to water interval and sowing depth . M.A.Ibraihi Al-Anbari et a l. Al- Furat Journal .
7- The effect of sowing date and phosphorus fertilizer on the growth and the yield of wheat. M.A.Ibraihi Al-Anbari et al . Journal of the University of Kerbala .
8-Effect of salinity on germination and seedling growth of five bread wheat cultivars ( Triticum aestivum L. ). M.A.Ibraihi Al- Anbari et a l. Al- Furat Journal .
9-The effect of applying different planting methods on growth ,and yield of two wheat cultivars . M.A.Ibraihi Al-Anbari.et al. Al – Taqani. Journal .

10- Effect of seeding rat on grain yield and it’s components of bread wheat cultivars . ). M.A.Ibraih i. Al-Anbari et a l . The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science .
11- Response of tow cowpeas cultivars to stages of foliar application with unigreen .Journal of the university of Kerbala. M. A. Ibraih Al-Anbary et al.
12-A study of variations and genotypic and phenotypic correlations in bread wheat under effect of three nitrogen levels. J. of Kerbala University
13- Effect of some plant extracts and sodium azide on wheat crop protection from the infection by Rizoctooina solani . journal of the university of kerbala .M.A .Ibraih Al-Anbary et al.
14-Effect of mutagenic sodium azide and row spacing on improvement of cowpea (Vignna sinensis L.) production. Jordan journal of agriculture science . M. A. Ibraih Al-Anbary et al.