The University of Karbala organizes a training course on (the most dangerous jungles, the nature of their growth, and the mechanism used to combat them)

The College of Agriculture at the University of Karbala organized a work course on (the most dangerous jungles, the nature of their growth, and the mechanism used to combat them)
With the participation of M. M. Badr Abbas Abdel Ali
M. M. Ahmed Barir Ahmed
M. M. Ghadeer Ali Abdel Zahra

The course aimed to (find the best solutions and find better ways to control the growth of malicious weeds without any side effects that may occur and limit their spread)

Each of the researchers in the course recommended holding other courses, seminars and scientific workshops concerned with this field and revitalizing the work of plant quarantine for the agricultural sector to control foreign plants and invasive seeds and not using various bush ornamental plants.